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I work with organisations and groups to review existing systems and strategies they have in place, and provide guidance for change. This involves undertaking program/service reviews or evaluations, developing strategic plans, business plans, or marketing plans, and facilitating organisational change management programs.

This consulting work extends to management supervision, distinctive from coaching as the focus is on reflecting on practice, developing leadership skills and exploring creative ways to work with staff and teams.


I also undertake facilitation with teams and groups.  This may involve facilitation of a meeting that needs an independent moderator, working with leadership teams to develop processes, or coordinating planning days.


During the course of my career, I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide range of people and organisations. I initially worked in commercial research – work that still informs my practice today. This expertise helps me to think at both strategic and operational levels, to effectively implement change, and has enabled me to develop a particular flair for understanding how to facilitate effective communication between people.


I either work independently, or depending upon project needs, in collaboration with John McBryde, to ensure I have the best possible team working to get the job done. Over the past six years I have worked as a management consultant in Central Australia working with a range of non-profit organisations supporting them in their visions. 


Feel free to contact me for a list of projects I have worked on or for any questions you may have.









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Photo credit: Kris Atomic


“During my sessions with Joanna I am made to feel calm, confident and able to speak my truth. Not only is she caring and compassionate but her excellent perspective has gently guided me through some particularly tough professional and personal challenges in the past 12 months.”

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