My role as your coach involves reflective practice and guidance to help you to find your own answers. I provide personalised coaching, management supervision and support and seek to understand your values, challenges and motivations, but most importantly to work out what brings you joy, what matters to you most and ultimately what makes you want to get up in the morning.
I work with busy women, searching for ways to connect more deeply with themselves. By creating and holding the space, we allow topics with the most need – from relationships, health and business, to spirituality, creativity and play (and whatever else is present) – to come to the surface.
I pay attention to what’s not being said, and focus on illuminating the things that need light. My approach is to be collaborative, consultative and engaging, whilst also bringing warmth, humour and openness to the process.
Like many of you, I’ve been on a journey. I’ve lived, lost my way and found it again – more than once. Through it all I’ve learnt, both personally and professionally. I know what the experience of career transition feels like, having progressed through corporate life, the academic world and self-employment. All of these were right for the particular stage of life I was in at the time and came with their own rich, challenging and exciting life experiences.
We don’t always know where the sessions will take us, but allowing for the possibilities is part of the journey.
Photo credit: Sina Katirachi